Mata Sushila Institute of Education (MSIE) is established by Right Path Foundation and runs under the umbrella of GAUTAM GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS. Right Path Foundation is a Trust registered under Indian Trust Act 1882. Formed in 2008, the Trust seeks to provide quality professional/technical education/training/ career building opportunity to youths.
One of the major objectives of Right Path Foundation is –
'To open, establish, promote, set-up, maintain, support and/or help literacy, informal, formal and/or distance education programmes/activities including technical/non-technical, professional, management, teacher’s training, art & craft, vocational and physical education/training/course by any or all types of schools, colleges, universities, training/coaching centres, hostels, research or other institutions of the like nature for the purpose.'
Establishment & Management of educational and training institutions for providing opportunities to youths to develop professional and technical skills in different sectors is one of the major objectives of the Foundation.
It is a proven fact that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Good health, be it of mind or body, is vital for a good quality of life. Helping someone else in building or maintaining a healthy quality of life is all the more important and satisfying community service. Requirements for technically skilled personnel dedicated to health care services are immense. So, it is important to join hands in at least filling the gap of trained manpower in health service sector. Mata Sushila Institute of Education is committed to impart the best quality of education & training in nursing skills/techniques.