Zero Tolerance’ to Ragging
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India treats ragging as a human right abuse and has declared ragging as a CRIME.
As per Hon’ble Supreme Court of India’s Order
"If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her."
- 1. Accordingly, ragging is illegal and completely prohibited and banned both inside and outside the Institute, hostel or campus.
- 2. If any student is caught or named by the victim student or his/her parents/guardians, an FIR will be lodged against the student (culprit).
- 3. Strict action leading to termination of admission and rustication from the institution would be taken against any ragging complaint and decision of the Management would be final & binding to the student(s).
- 4. Parent/Guardians are also advised to counsel their ward to neither engage in any sort of ragging activity nor incite any other student to do so.
Anti-Ragging Committee
- Chairman of the Institute
- Member of the Trust
- Principal
- Senior Faculty Member
- Warden
+91-9297938002 +91-9262994120